Aug 28, 2008

Burrica Falls, Horizontina (our town)

Lettuce Farm

As of Wednesday, we have had a new housekeeper coming in from 7:30 a.m. - 11:30a.m. to clean Monday through Friday. She appears to be an answer to our prayers. We've had some poor employees in the past, but it looks like she will be as wonderful as our gardener. She is sweet and meticulous, and self motivated. I think it's going to be a great working relationship--she needs the work, and I need HELP!!! :) Her name is Remi. She has 6 daughers, and 18 grandchildren. She stayed home with her children until they were grown, and now just wants something to keep her busy. She's very sweet with the girls and the pets. I really hope she's a keeper.

We are closing up our 4th week of school tomorrow. It's been going really well this year. I was nervous about juggling 2nd and 4th grade together, but there's plenty of work for one girl to do while I'm teaching the other. The girls are so sweet, and they really do a great job of keeping the other motivated. If one says, "this isn't fun," the other says, "well, I like it!" (This always works in my favor, and the other one almost always jumps on board as well). We have our Portguese teacher come to our house now twice a week in the mornings. It makes our school day flow so much better. Twice a week in the afternoon, a local craft store has classes that we have been taking for crochet and painting. I'll have to post some of the girls projects. Samantha has made stocking caps for all of the American's babies and toddlers here in town, and Makaela has made all of the ladies potholders! :)


King A Queen R said...

you girls are just too cute... hope you find lots of kids and adults who can wear the shoes and sandals we sent along.
did you enjoy the pink pony video by the way? :)

Elle A said...

Autumn you are such a super mom! You & Andrew will always be the girls' hero and they too will remember you when they have their own families. :-) You guys are doing a great job and I'm glad you found helping hands because it's tough for even both parents to handle such a heavy load of parenthood. Andrey and I look up to you both.