Apr 26, 2012

Wife beating approved by teens in India

Short article on wife beating in India

I don't read the paper very often due to a lack of time, and the fact that I find a lot of it turns my stomach due to the high incidence of violence against women and girls.  The headline above explains so much as even the new generation has no value for women--not even the girls themselves have enough self respect to feel wronged by violence from men.    I showed the headline to Sam and Mak, and Makaela said right off, "men are supposed to use their "extra" strength to protect women!!!"  It looks as if the majority of Indian men are bullies.  It is so disturbing...unfortunately "disturbing" is a word I use a lot to describe India. 

Tomorrow (Friday) we have the honor of attending a friend of ours boy's "Threading Ceremony."  It is a ceremony for Hindu boys of the Brahmin Caste before they hit puberty.  The 3 strands have different meanings based on their particular region.  It starts with breakfast at 9 a.m., and goes until after lunch.   We are so grateful to have a peak inside of our Indian friends' lives.  What we have experienced cannot be captured or imagined by reading from a text book. 

Within walking distance of our hotel is a lovely oasis where the girls and I go when we want something less Indian and away from our hotel.  It is a well maintained pool surrounded by palm trees that feels like you are in a western country.  The place is very quiet during the day and is frequented mostly by ex-pats --lots of toe heads running around and mommies in bikinis.  It's so refreshing and relaxing. 

Before God we are all equally wise--and equally foolish.  Albert Einstein

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.  Mother Theresa